Prayer and meditation are intimately linked in Unity practice. We sit in the silence as the gateway to our connection with God. We engage in affirmative prayer that lovingly accepts the reality of what is, and all is as it should be.
Through meditation, we experience the presence of God. The act of going inward and quieting the mind is a powerful tool in deepening our awareness of the inner self. Prayer and meditation heighten our awareness and thereby transform our lives.
Meditation is also an integral part of Unity’s teachings, going all the way back to the Fillmores and their faith in truth coming “into the silence.”
Now out of the stillness comes the “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12), not a human voice speaking, but the voice of God, which speaks as an inner knowing, a strong conviction, and carries to your listening heart the assurance that all is well.
-- James Dillet Freeman
Please explore the following links as you nurture your own meditation practice.
Helpful Links
Unity Spiritual Tool: Meditation
Meditation Resources from Unity