In Unity we believe that all people are divinely created and inherently good. We practice and teach our principles which reaffirm this Truth. Our own community at Unity of Montclair is a diverse group, a reflection of the melting pot of the New York City suburbs that we live in.
It is this diversity that allows us the continued opportunity to learn and grow from each other. Each of us is unique and brings our own gift to create the whole. We come together in prayer, service, celebration, laughter, love and joy. What a blessing.
We recognize the importance of lifting our voice in support of equality for all.
We strive to create a welcoming environment and a safe space to explore one’s spiritual growth. It is our fervent goal that our ministry and outreach be free of discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation.
We will continue to support the strides that Unity is making to support and honor diversity.
Unity teachings show us that spiritually we are all equal, in spite of the outer differences that we may have, whether it be race or whether it be gender or whether it be income or education.
Rev. Saba Mchunguzi
As our Mission states, We are a vibrant, inclusive, spiritual community transforming lives through inspiration, sacred service and life-long learning.
We continue to learn and expand our consciousness. We’ve explored racism through the works of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Catherine Meeks through our Spiritual Growth Groups. These SGG’s allow us to study new topics together and also have the added benefit of creating community, connection, and conversation. An opportunity for deep transformation. A Beloved Community indeed.
A Prayer for Abundant Justice and Love
As one in divine presence, we embrace our common humanity. We are held in the loving arms of Spirit, and we rise above fear to walk in love, faith, and peace.
We release any beliefs that divide us and turn to one another with understanding. Wisdom reveals the path to healing for our communities.
With unity of purpose, we create justice, equality, and peace for all people.
In the abundance of God, there is enough—enough love, enough peace, and enough freedom—for all to live together as one.
We hold this vision of healing and harmony for ourselves, our communities, and our world.
—Trayce Riley
Unity Prayer Ministry
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